Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dental Visit

I can't remember when was the last time I've seen a dentist, probably in Secondary school. The hole in my tooth had been there for quite some time. I kept my finger crossed that nothing serious would happen , but getting food particles inside could be annoying. I had to use the toothpick after every meal.

The nightmare finally came a month ago. There was a sudden pain on my left jaw that affected the whole of my left head. My left side was so painful that I could hardly sleep. Okay , the time had come. I had to go to the dentist, scared or not. The dentist was shocked that I had not been to a dentist. More embarrassing , he said my teeth were too dirty and had to be cleaned before dealing with the hole. And so all the cleaning and filling up the hole took only 20 mins. Not that bad, no pain. BUT.... the cost ...... $140......pain in the heart!

All went well until a week later, the same pain came again.. on the left side again. Thinking that the filling was giving the problem, I went back for a checkup, hoping that no charges would be made. Boy, was I wrong! It was another nightmare in the dental clinic . I couldn't believe it myself, two visits within a week, when I have not stepped into one for the past twenty odd years! The dentist said it was my wisdom tooth that's giving me problem. I had to take an x-ray, which cost money of course. It revealed that I had 4 wisdom teeth... ha... wise yah! And two had holes, the one giving problem was the one with a bigger hole. So what now? I was left with no choice but to extract it. The nightmare started when my left jaw had to be numbed. The sensation was horrible. Then came the pulling part. It was worse than I thought. It took almost one hour , then the dentist said I needed a surgery as the tooth had a third root still stuck in the gum. Do I have a choice? So I don't know what he did , what he sliced up. I almost wanted to tell him to forget about the root, I wanted to quit and go . After another hour of pulling ,twisting, changing of tools , whatever...., the stupid stubborn root was finally out! Phew! It's almost like having a baby! My mouth was so tired after trying to keep it open for so long. I couldn't wait to get out of the room. I don't want to think about the other wisdom teeth that I may have to extract too.

The next pain.... the cost.... $560!!! Luckily It could be paid using medisave. Wah.. no money how... die of pain? No wonder people say, poor people cannot get sick, but they can die!

I guess coming to forty years old, means a lot of health problem coming , too. I have to get prepared for more health problems . I have done my yearly paps smear. Now I have to check my teeth yearly , too. And I have yet to go for mammogram and blood test to check my glucose level . Sigh.... it's so good to be young!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Singapore Flyer

Thanks to gu gu's Friends of Singapore Flyer Card, I think our family will never go for a ride in the Singapore Flyer. So expensive!! We did not inform Son our destination that day , for fear that he would not go. He has expressed strongly against the idea of going up the Flyer. Anything too adventurous is not his cup of tea, though we try to coax him to just try new things.

Luckily, he did not throw tantrum when we arrived. Of course the main concern was first where's the lift. When we were queueing up and almost our turn, he did fuss a bit, saying he did not want to go in. However, he tagged along fortunately without screaming (thank God). During the half hour journey, he kept complaining that it was not moving, and asking when it would end.
He could not wait to go out from the door on the other side . (He was just amazed that there are two doors on each carriage!)
So to distract him, I had to continuous talk to him about the things we saw. Finally when we reached the ground , he could not wait to drag everyone out , from the other door of course!

It was a good experience.

The next challenge is to get him to go for a boat ride! He screamed the last time we went to Clarke Quay , with the intention of taking the taxi boat.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Today, Son received his second gold coin from Tooth Fairy. Yesterday he managed to shake his tooth out in class. That was the first thing he told me excitedly when he came out of class. It is always great to hear him tell me something that happened in class. Teacher V wrapped it up in a piece of paper so that he could put it under his pillow at night.

The first tooth was lost somewhere during school hours. Luckily he did not cry about the lost tooth, initially. It was only at night when he realised he had to put his tooth under his pillow so that tooth fairy would come, he started crying. I tried to persuade him that Tooth Fairy had already taken the lost tooth in the day and would come and give him a gold coin at night. Fortunately, he accepted it and went to sleep. And of course everything went well when he found his gold coin the next morning.

For the past few years, Tooth Fairy has stopped coming to our house. I guess she will have to start working again. Ha! This time she has to do a better job because for Daughter, she may sometimes forgot to do her job. It was easy to give Daughter a tall tale that Tooth Fairy was on holiday blah blah blah..... she naively believed and waited patiently for the next night for her to come.

Kids are just kids. Naive, never have to hide their feelings, trouble-free. They make you angry but they also make you laugh :) How nice if they can always remain kids ! How nice if I could be a kid again, too!