Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tooth Fairy

Today, Son received his second gold coin from Tooth Fairy. Yesterday he managed to shake his tooth out in class. That was the first thing he told me excitedly when he came out of class. It is always great to hear him tell me something that happened in class. Teacher V wrapped it up in a piece of paper so that he could put it under his pillow at night.

The first tooth was lost somewhere during school hours. Luckily he did not cry about the lost tooth, initially. It was only at night when he realised he had to put his tooth under his pillow so that tooth fairy would come, he started crying. I tried to persuade him that Tooth Fairy had already taken the lost tooth in the day and would come and give him a gold coin at night. Fortunately, he accepted it and went to sleep. And of course everything went well when he found his gold coin the next morning.

For the past few years, Tooth Fairy has stopped coming to our house. I guess she will have to start working again. Ha! This time she has to do a better job because for Daughter, she may sometimes forgot to do her job. It was easy to give Daughter a tall tale that Tooth Fairy was on holiday blah blah blah..... she naively believed and waited patiently for the next night for her to come.

Kids are just kids. Naive, never have to hide their feelings, trouble-free. They make you angry but they also make you laugh :) How nice if they can always remain kids ! How nice if I could be a kid again, too!

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