Monday, February 28, 2011

He Is So Lucky!!

I would say that from the day he was diagnosed as asd, he has been fortunate... to have so many good teachers around him, to give the necessary help, support and intervention.

First, it was Teacher Fadhi , whom I really consider her as my 'saviour'. She was first teacher who believes that Son has a lot of potential and would surely break through all the barriers. She was also the one who convinced the others that he could make it to integrated class in the kindergarten, providing his first step into going mainstream.

Then of course when he joined the Eipic , he had a nice teacher , Teacher Dewi, to come for home-based intervention program. It was from her, I learnt about the kind of therapy Son needs.

When he started classes at the Centre when it was finally opened (just a stone's throw away from our house! I can't believe how lucky we are), he had wonderful , dedicated teachers like Teacher Nora, Teacher Jitin and Teacher Nalini. I may not agree or be truly satisfied with the intervention program they provide, but I truly admire them for their whole-hearted willingness to help.

The amazing thing is he actually made it to the A class in his Primary School! He had a wonderful Male teacher, whom I initially had doubts whether a man could handle little ones. Boy , was I wrong!! He is such a dedicated teacher and most importantly, he can handle Son's temperament ! Furthermore, he has a facebook where he updates parents things done in class , even providing photos of the children while they are doing their activities. With all the information he has given, I can at least know what Son is doing in class and I can have daily conversation with him on the happenings in school.

Besides that, the school has a very experience special need officer, who is also a male! He is ever so cheerful and optimistic. He gives Son the support he needs and updating me his behaviour in school, giving me the assurance that Son will be well taken care of.

With all these special people, what more can I ask for ?

Even his friends are so nice to him. Sometimes when I go into school to give him lunch, they will come and 'complain' about him doing ' naughty ' things.. but when they turn around , they will forget every thing and treat him just like any others.... share biscuits with him.... do Hi5 with him. And I thought my dear little boy will never have friends because of his 'weird' behaviour and poor social skills and eye contact.

We have definitely been blessed all the way.... and I hope we will too till the end where we can see the beam of light .

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Diamond Ring

I was reading the newspaper when Son came over and saw an advertisement on Jewelleries.

How Sweet! He said he is going to buy me one ( because I always complain Dad has never given me one ).

"But You don't have money?" I told him.

" No. You pay!" Son replied.

Ok.. I get it ... he buys , I pay!

Cute !


Unexpected Incidence

Oh My God! This is the worse news and most unexpected one .. I was taken aback by a parent when she asked me if my son was PH. Immediately, I asked her what had happened. She told me that my son had kissed two girls in his class!! One on the cheek and one on the lips! I called the sno to confirm even though I know he must be the 'culprit'. Luckily , i know the parents beforehand, and they were very understanding when I told them his condition. But I was quite angry that the teacher did not inform me of the case , which I thought was quite serious.

Dismissal time, I asked him why did he do that. He said it is because he L O V E S his friends. Oh dear! should I rejoice that he finally begins to like friends, or be angry that he has done something seriously wrong? I really don't know whether to laugh or cry.. but now I have to start 'brainwashing' him another fact : hugs and kisses are only for family members , we show that we like a friend by helping and showing care.

Mummy Tape Recording has new input.

Phew! What's next?

My son and I will be VERY FAMOUS in school very soon!!!

Updated : he was fine the next week but hug one of the girls again the week after. I was so embarrassed when I had to apologise to the mother. I feel sorry for the girl too. She is a very quiet and shy girl, maybe that's why son likes her?!

Updated 2 : So far so good. Fingers crossed.