Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thank God Chinese New Year is over

Yesterday marked the last day of the fifteen days of Chinese New Year celebration. I'm glad it's over, but it has been quite a good one, compared to the last five years.

Chinese New Year had always been the festival I dreaded the most because I had to take my son for visiting. He could never sit still and forever exploring and touching things around the house of relatives and friends. I had to constantly keep a lookout on him, fearing that he might break anything or get into any kind of trouble. When he had enough of exploring and got bored, he would throw tantrum and want to leave. It was a hard time trying to control him and making sure that no one would look from the corners of their eyes , shake their heads and think to themselves," What a spoilt and no discipline child !"

I could still remember how he pulled down the entire curtain in the living room of my brother's house! And my brother is the kind of impatient man who cannot stand any kind of mischief especially when he is in a bad mood.

This year Son is behaving better, of course it's also because we bought a laptop which he could bring along to play. Computer is the best thing that can make him sit for the whole day. He is also able to join in the fun of playing blackjack with his cousins.

I guess he has improved a lot when it comes to mingling with others, even though he still needs to be prompted when it comes to social and communication skills. I have to be happy over every little of his improvement, He needs to learn at his own pace. There is no use rushing and pushing him, I' ll be the one ending up going crazy and he will never be happy too. He is special and he is very special to me. All I want is him to be happy.

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