Sunday, March 28, 2010
Just For Laugh - Kid's Talk
I showed it to Daughter. First she gave me a frown and a puzzled look. When it dawned upon her what it was, she gave me a tilted smile and cheekily told me if she could change the word 'heaven' to 'resort'. Ha Ha ! That's my girl. A typical happy-go-lucky coming-to-thirteen-year-old girl who just loves fun and play!
I showed it to Son. He read the title and gave a puzzled look too. Then , hanging his head low, he used his usual very-Eeyore-tone and muttered, " u...u..m..m....m.... I don't want to go now.. I want to stay at home." I let out another laugh. He's a typical can't-really-understand-joke-yet and no-lie, black means black white means white boy!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Story Telling In The Library
Initially, he wasn't very keen. He was more interested in the projector in the room. I had him sitting on my lap . I had to hold him tight so that he wouldn't dash out of the room or what not! I certainly do not want other parents to stare at me if he did create a racket. He did fidgets a little , on and off, but it was within my control. He said he wanted to go but with constant coaxing and getting him interested in the stories , he soon showed some interest. The last story ' Hello Is That Grandma' was a story he read before. The story teller was more interactive then, and he soon participated actively , with my prompting and encouragement,
The whole session lasted for 30 min, and I was glad we managed to sit through. It was definitely a good start. I need to get him more involve in social activities . When asked if he wants to go again , he says Ok . I was happy to hear that.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Haircut
I can remember that before four, he only had two haircuts in the salon, once when he was a baby and once a toddler. It was torturing both him and me and my other half. He screamed and struggled throughout (because of the sound of the electric razor ??) and we had to hold him real tight to get it done as quickly as possible. Talk about well cut? Forget it ! Just cut away the long hair and that's it! Hokkien we say chin chai can already lah! After that, it was no way we can get him to sit on the salon's chair. We gave up, too. So my mother and I had to use the scissors to cut his hair, which took a longer time to get it done. We had to do it in the bathroom, while he was playing with the running water from the tap. I think the pails of water wasted were enough to pay for a good salon haircut! I tried using the electric razor myself, but didn't know how to make good use of it. My friend, Juliet, who lent it to me, said just cut botak style, it's quite easy. Ya, easier said than done! My other half even 'boasted' that he could do better than me and end up shaving off a patch on Son's head! Boy was I angry! Look what he had done to my precious little handsome boy!
One fine day, when he was about four, my daughter and other half went to this exceptionally cheap salon at Chinatown. I thought why not just ask him if he wanted a haircut. Surprisingly, he hopped onto the chair and had a nice haircut with only a little squirming on and off. The Uncle cutting his hair was a bit slow but very particular and so it took almost a solid 20 minutes. He loved the whole experience and his new look and his 'prickly' hair. I was so glad that finally I could say goodbye to all the hassle of cutting his hair all by myself . Phew!
It's all these little progresses he makes, that makes my day.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Things He Fears Con't
"This is no good !" That is what he always says when he is not happy. He could not explain further why he dislikes this object.
At a very age , he cries when he hears a song which is too "sentimental'. I can still remember he cried when he heard the song " Teddy Bear" . It was a song the playgroup liked to sing and I had to explain to the teacher why he cried when the song was sung. At night, when I sang him a song even like " Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' in a very "loving" and "sentimental" way, he would cry too. Those " ...... I Love You....." kind of song like "Barney Song" have to be sung in a "normal" tone to avoid tears. I guess he must be very "musically inclined" too !
I have asked the teachers in his special class why this is so. They simply say that there are just some unexplainable things that autistic people seem to fear . It is ok and we should not force them to accept because it will upset them more. Anyway , whether they accept or not, if it does not affect others or their own social life , just let it be. I guess it makes sense. So I decide to stop the 'testings'.