Thursday, March 18, 2010

A Haircut

Today , Son had a haircut. It was surprising that he asked me, " Do I look nice?" It was the first time he asks for an opinion. I am happy that he has taken another step forward.

I can remember that before four, he only had two haircuts in the salon, once when he was a baby and once a toddler. It was torturing both him and me and my other half. He screamed and struggled throughout (because of the sound of the electric razor ??) and we had to hold him real tight to get it done as quickly as possible. Talk about well cut? Forget it ! Just cut away the long hair and that's it! Hokkien we say chin chai can already lah! After that, it was no way we can get him to sit on the salon's chair. We gave up, too. So my mother and I had to use the scissors to cut his hair, which took a longer time to get it done. We had to do it in the bathroom, while he was playing with the running water from the tap. I think the pails of water wasted were enough to pay for a good salon haircut! I tried using the electric razor myself, but didn't know how to make good use of it. My friend, Juliet, who lent it to me, said just cut botak style, it's quite easy. Ya, easier said than done! My other half even 'boasted' that he could do better than me and end up shaving off a patch on Son's head! Boy was I angry! Look what he had done to my precious little handsome boy!

One fine day, when he was about four, my daughter and other half went to this exceptionally cheap salon at Chinatown. I thought why not just ask him if he wanted a haircut. Surprisingly, he hopped onto the chair and had a nice haircut with only a little squirming on and off. The Uncle cutting his hair was a bit slow but very particular and so it took almost a solid 20 minutes. He loved the whole experience and his new look and his 'prickly' hair. I was so glad that finally I could say goodbye to all the hassle of cutting his hair all by myself . Phew!

It's all these little progresses he makes, that makes my day.

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