Thursday, December 30, 2010
Just For Laughs : Young Or Old
"What about WaiGong?" I asked again.
"Old!" that was his immediate answer.
We had a good laugh. We know that he says truthfully what he sees and he does not know how to tell a lie. Poor Pa! He has to accept the fact that he does look very much older than Mother although their age difference is only two years.
Today, I ask Son the same question. Surprising he says that NeiNei is old. Perhaps now that he is older, his concept of "Grandmother" is "old lady", because to me Mother always looks so good , for her age. I hope she is not too upset with the answer, though!
So I ask him the other question too ,"What about WaiGong?"
"Very very old!" he replied , in his usual truthful tone.
Laugh!! Everyone was so tickled and surprised by his answer, even Pa . I hope he is not too upset with the answer, too!!
His words of truth always never fail to amaze and make us laugh.
But being so direct is also what I fear most when he is with others, who fail to see and understand the lack of social and communication skills of autistic people. I hope he will not offend others and get himself into trouble when he grows older.... because family members can laugh but not others!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
It's Not What I Want But It Works
Well, it does prove that it works! Now we could have a good meal outside, and I could eat slowly..since he can play his game after he has finished his food.
The nintendo also serves as a reward for any good behaviour. So I guess it is money worth. One thing I did remind him is that Nintendo is mainly for 'taking out to play'. I don't want him to spend too much time playing games since he already has more than an hour computer time everyday.
So nowadays, 'NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT ( the Nintendo)' when I have to take Son out.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Are You Pulling My Legs
Today when I gave him some homework , usually a bit of Maths, English, Chinese and science, he made this comment," Are you pulling my legs?" I was quite surprise that he could use idioms! Does he really know the meaning of the phrase? I asked him and he bent down to 'pull my legs'. Then I asked him where he learnt the phrase, and he said from a book.
Don't ever underestimate your special child. Some people say autistic children tend to take words literally and do not understand the real meaning. Wow! Mine can even use idioms.
These days , he has been saying a lot of "what -the ...". I think he must have pick it up from the tv or online games. I think he is at the age of "fun to imitate'. I guess I have to be careful too that he does not pick up any bad words.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A Diastrous Outing
Sure enough..... the diaster happened right from the beginning when we entered the horrible carpark. It was full and Son always does not like it when we cannot find a parking lot. He had his first meltdown and ended when we decided to get to the convention centre first while dad tried to find a lot.
Second meltdown...... the food court was crazily packed and we could not find a place to sit down. Son was screaming away and I almost wanted to do the same too! Frankly speaking, I cannot stand crowd too. I will feel very pressurise and then my giddiness and breathlessness will come.
We finally got a table when a group of senior citizens left... must have been scared orr by son's scream. By that time , my face had turned long and black. I was grumbling and cursing away and Dad was angry too that no one appreciates his 'thoughtfulness' . Oh come on! Doesn't he know his son? This is definitely the wrong place and the wrong time to come.
So we went into the exhibition hall , hardly see anything, and then Son saw the exit . That's it. A ticket to go in and come out straight. Dad and Daughter stayed in the hall... ah but then ... waste two tickets is better than four. I had a hard time entertaining him for the next hour or two. I was getting tired and it was my turn to have a meltdown. I summoned the two, who apparently were having a good time, to get out of the exhibition at once ! I could feel the fire in my body.... boiling mad was I.
It was a relief for both my son and myself to be home! My dear Dad, can you please give me a better surprise next time? I love surprises..... even though you seldom give me one... but this time it is really a bad one. USE YOUR BRAIN NEXT TIME..... PLEASE (sorry for my rudeness)
Surprise Surprise
It is good to see him getting interested in people. It is a good start to a better social and communication skill .
I gave him a thumbs up and encourage him to be more friendly with his friends and try his best to help the younger kids in school.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
To Be Or Not To Be
Still, I have to tell him that I am not happy that he has done a wrong deed. On the other hand, I praised him for owning up and encourage him to share with me more about happenings in school.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
More Or Less
I wrote on the whiteboard : " 5 is ____ more than 3 " .
He can't really get what it means, so I drew a diagram to show him that 5 is actually 2 more than 3. He , then, took the marker from me and wrote down on the whiteboard : " 3 is _____ less than 5 " . He told me that the answer to his question is the same as mine.
I was truly amazed for 2 reasons .
First, he has never wrote down a 'sentence' ,so willingly, all by himself before. His penmanship is really not too good so he never like writing, especially long sentences.
Second, he can get the idea that the two statements are actually related. How clever of him, I thought.
Kids, really do amaze their parents at times!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Dental Visit
The nightmare finally came a month ago. There was a sudden pain on my left jaw that affected the whole of my left head. My left side was so painful that I could hardly sleep. Okay , the time had come. I had to go to the dentist, scared or not. The dentist was shocked that I had not been to a dentist. More embarrassing , he said my teeth were too dirty and had to be cleaned before dealing with the hole. And so all the cleaning and filling up the hole took only 20 mins. Not that bad, no pain. BUT.... the cost ...... $140......pain in the heart!
All went well until a week later, the same pain came again.. on the left side again. Thinking that the filling was giving the problem, I went back for a checkup, hoping that no charges would be made. Boy, was I wrong! It was another nightmare in the dental clinic . I couldn't believe it myself, two visits within a week, when I have not stepped into one for the past twenty odd years! The dentist said it was my wisdom tooth that's giving me problem. I had to take an x-ray, which cost money of course. It revealed that I had 4 wisdom teeth... ha... wise yah! And two had holes, the one giving problem was the one with a bigger hole. So what now? I was left with no choice but to extract it. The nightmare started when my left jaw had to be numbed. The sensation was horrible. Then came the pulling part. It was worse than I thought. It took almost one hour , then the dentist said I needed a surgery as the tooth had a third root still stuck in the gum. Do I have a choice? So I don't know what he did , what he sliced up. I almost wanted to tell him to forget about the root, I wanted to quit and go . After another hour of pulling ,twisting, changing of tools , whatever...., the stupid stubborn root was finally out! Phew! It's almost like having a baby! My mouth was so tired after trying to keep it open for so long. I couldn't wait to get out of the room. I don't want to think about the other wisdom teeth that I may have to extract too.
The next pain.... the cost.... $560!!! Luckily It could be paid using medisave. Wah.. no money how... die of pain? No wonder people say, poor people cannot get sick, but they can die!
I guess coming to forty years old, means a lot of health problem coming , too. I have to get prepared for more health problems . I have done my yearly paps smear. Now I have to check my teeth yearly , too. And I have yet to go for mammogram and blood test to check my glucose level . Sigh.... it's so good to be young!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Singapore Flyer
Luckily, he did not throw tantrum when we arrived. Of course the main concern was first where's the lift. When we were queueing up and almost our turn, he did fuss a bit, saying he did not want to go in. However, he tagged along fortunately without screaming (thank God). During the half hour journey, he kept complaining that it was not moving, and asking when it would end.
He could not wait to go out from the door on the other side . (He was just amazed that there are two doors on each carriage!)
So to distract him, I had to continuous talk to him about the things we saw. Finally when we reached the ground , he could not wait to drag everyone out , from the other door of course!
It was a good experience.
The next challenge is to get him to go for a boat ride! He screamed the last time we went to Clarke Quay , with the intention of taking the taxi boat.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tooth Fairy
The first tooth was lost somewhere during school hours. Luckily he did not cry about the lost tooth, initially. It was only at night when he realised he had to put his tooth under his pillow so that tooth fairy would come, he started crying. I tried to persuade him that Tooth Fairy had already taken the lost tooth in the day and would come and give him a gold coin at night. Fortunately, he accepted it and went to sleep. And of course everything went well when he found his gold coin the next morning.
For the past few years, Tooth Fairy has stopped coming to our house. I guess she will have to start working again. Ha! This time she has to do a better job because for Daughter, she may sometimes forgot to do her job. It was easy to give Daughter a tall tale that Tooth Fairy was on holiday blah blah blah..... she naively believed and waited patiently for the next night for her to come.
Kids are just kids. Naive, never have to hide their feelings, trouble-free. They make you angry but they also make you laugh :) How nice if they can always remain kids ! How nice if I could be a kid again, too!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Just For Laugh - Kid's Talk
I showed it to Daughter. First she gave me a frown and a puzzled look. When it dawned upon her what it was, she gave me a tilted smile and cheekily told me if she could change the word 'heaven' to 'resort'. Ha Ha ! That's my girl. A typical happy-go-lucky coming-to-thirteen-year-old girl who just loves fun and play!
I showed it to Son. He read the title and gave a puzzled look too. Then , hanging his head low, he used his usual very-Eeyore-tone and muttered, " u...u..m..m....m.... I don't want to go now.. I want to stay at home." I let out another laugh. He's a typical can't-really-understand-joke-yet and no-lie, black means black white means white boy!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Story Telling In The Library
Initially, he wasn't very keen. He was more interested in the projector in the room. I had him sitting on my lap . I had to hold him tight so that he wouldn't dash out of the room or what not! I certainly do not want other parents to stare at me if he did create a racket. He did fidgets a little , on and off, but it was within my control. He said he wanted to go but with constant coaxing and getting him interested in the stories , he soon showed some interest. The last story ' Hello Is That Grandma' was a story he read before. The story teller was more interactive then, and he soon participated actively , with my prompting and encouragement,
The whole session lasted for 30 min, and I was glad we managed to sit through. It was definitely a good start. I need to get him more involve in social activities . When asked if he wants to go again , he says Ok . I was happy to hear that.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
A Haircut
I can remember that before four, he only had two haircuts in the salon, once when he was a baby and once a toddler. It was torturing both him and me and my other half. He screamed and struggled throughout (because of the sound of the electric razor ??) and we had to hold him real tight to get it done as quickly as possible. Talk about well cut? Forget it ! Just cut away the long hair and that's it! Hokkien we say chin chai can already lah! After that, it was no way we can get him to sit on the salon's chair. We gave up, too. So my mother and I had to use the scissors to cut his hair, which took a longer time to get it done. We had to do it in the bathroom, while he was playing with the running water from the tap. I think the pails of water wasted were enough to pay for a good salon haircut! I tried using the electric razor myself, but didn't know how to make good use of it. My friend, Juliet, who lent it to me, said just cut botak style, it's quite easy. Ya, easier said than done! My other half even 'boasted' that he could do better than me and end up shaving off a patch on Son's head! Boy was I angry! Look what he had done to my precious little handsome boy!
One fine day, when he was about four, my daughter and other half went to this exceptionally cheap salon at Chinatown. I thought why not just ask him if he wanted a haircut. Surprisingly, he hopped onto the chair and had a nice haircut with only a little squirming on and off. The Uncle cutting his hair was a bit slow but very particular and so it took almost a solid 20 minutes. He loved the whole experience and his new look and his 'prickly' hair. I was so glad that finally I could say goodbye to all the hassle of cutting his hair all by myself . Phew!
It's all these little progresses he makes, that makes my day.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Things He Fears Con't
"This is no good !" That is what he always says when he is not happy. He could not explain further why he dislikes this object.
At a very age , he cries when he hears a song which is too "sentimental'. I can still remember he cried when he heard the song " Teddy Bear" . It was a song the playgroup liked to sing and I had to explain to the teacher why he cried when the song was sung. At night, when I sang him a song even like " Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' in a very "loving" and "sentimental" way, he would cry too. Those " ...... I Love You....." kind of song like "Barney Song" have to be sung in a "normal" tone to avoid tears. I guess he must be very "musically inclined" too !
I have asked the teachers in his special class why this is so. They simply say that there are just some unexplainable things that autistic people seem to fear . It is ok and we should not force them to accept because it will upset them more. Anyway , whether they accept or not, if it does not affect others or their own social life , just let it be. I guess it makes sense. So I decide to stop the 'testings'.
Things He Fears
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thank God Chinese New Year is over
Chinese New Year had always been the festival I dreaded the most because I had to take my son for visiting. He could never sit still and forever exploring and touching things around the house of relatives and friends. I had to constantly keep a lookout on him, fearing that he might break anything or get into any kind of trouble. When he had enough of exploring and got bored, he would throw tantrum and want to leave. It was a hard time trying to control him and making sure that no one would look from the corners of their eyes , shake their heads and think to themselves," What a spoilt and no discipline child !"
I could still remember how he pulled down the entire curtain in the living room of my brother's house! And my brother is the kind of impatient man who cannot stand any kind of mischief especially when he is in a bad mood.
This year Son is behaving better, of course it's also because we bought a laptop which he could bring along to play. Computer is the best thing that can make him sit for the whole day. He is also able to join in the fun of playing blackjack with his cousins.
I guess he has improved a lot when it comes to mingling with others, even though he still needs to be prompted when it comes to social and communication skills. I have to be happy over every little of his improvement, He needs to learn at his own pace. There is no use rushing and pushing him, I' ll be the one ending up going crazy and he will never be happy too. He is special and he is very special to me. All I want is him to be happy.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I Don't Love You
"I don't love you!" he cried out loud. I was too shock for words. I felt a hammer slamming down hard in my heart. Every night , we will say "I love you" to each other before he sleeps, but never has he said " I don't love you" by himself. He must be feeling very upset at that moment to be able to say that. I felt really upset too although ironically I felt happy that he was able to express his feelings.
That day he was half naked and refused to eat until five. I gave him milk in his bottle and left him alone. Minutes later, he came out of his room, and threw up the milk. Then I realised that his refusal to wear a shirt could be due to his illness. ( or could it be starving for too long?). I felt really sorry for what I have done in the morning. That night, when I told him I love him, he told me sickily and wearily that he loves me too. There was a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes.
My son is autistic.